Pregnant & Parenting
Lenoir-Rhyne does not discriminate in its employment or its education programs or activities against any student or employee based on the employee's or student's current, potential or past pregnancy or related conditions.
Lenoir-Rhyne also does not discriminate based on the employee's or student's current, potential, or past parental, family or marital status. Lenoir-Rhyne is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all individuals enjoy freedom from discrimination, including discrimination on the basis of sex, as mandated by Title IX. Sex discrimination, which includes discrimination based on pregnancy, marital status, parental status or pregnancy-related conditions, is prohibited.
Students who are pregnant or otherwise planning for early months of parenting are encouraged to contact Lenoir-Rhyne's Director of Compliance and Title IX Coordinator to discuss plans for any anticipated leave of absence, as well as reentry into their academic program and activities.
Consultation is also available to faculty and staff with questions about appropriately supporting pregnant and parenting students. Contact Leah Reynolds, Ed.D., Director of Compliance and Title IX Coordinator, at
Pregnant and Parenting Accommodation FormResources
On-Campus Resources
Lactation Stations
Hickory Campus
Lineberger Room 105Asheville Campus
Rooms 320 and 322 -
Changing Stations
Belk Centrum
Gender-neutral restroom in Belk Centrum corridorCarl A. Rudisill Library
Men's and women's restrooms on the main floorCromer Center
Men's and women's restrooms on the main level past the cafeteriaGrace Chapel
Restrooms in the narthex before you enter the sanctuaryLineberger Administration
Gender-neutral restroom on the first floorMauney Music Building
Men's and women's restrooms on the main floorP.E. Monroe
All restroomsShuford Arena
Men's and women's restrooms in the lobby
Resources for Faculty and Staff to Support Pregnant and Parenting Students
- When a student, employee or a person who has a legal right to act on behalf of the student informs any Lenoir-Rhyne employee of the student's pregnancy or related conditions, the employee must promptly provide that person with the Title IX Coordinator's contact information and inform that person that the Title IX Coordinator can coordinate specific actions to prevent sex discrimination and ensure the person's equal access to LR's admission, educational programs, activities, employment opportunities and benefits.
- Be flexible. Pregnant and parenting students may need flexibility around coursework deadlines, remote instruction attendance, in-person attendance and mandatory testing or project completion requirements.
- Include information on your syllabus that welcomes pregnant and parenting students to contact you if they need assistance.
- Consider carefully how your current course policies may make things more difficult for pregnant or parenting students. Recognize that harsh rules such as attendance will not apply to pregnant students.
- Encourage pregnant and parenting students to access campus resources to help them succeed academically.
- Promote family-friendly events and programs and encourage student parents to participate in these activities with their families.
- Stay educated about the needs of pregnant and parenting students. If you’re unsure what to do, contact the Title IX Office.
Pregnancy Accommodation Request Process
Pregnant and parenting students are afforded protections and accommodations under Title IX. It is essential to understand that the success of pregnant and parenting students must entail a collaborative and communicative approach. The following process has been established to ensure the success of all pregnant and parenting students.
- Complete the Pregnant and Parenting Accommodation form on the Title IX page.
- The Title IX Coordinator will contact you to discuss your request and provide you with your resources and options.
- The Title IX Coordinator will approve the request and send the request forward to the Director of Disability Services.
- The Director of Disability Services will communicate to the appropriate individual in writing the specific accommodations granted and copy the Title IX Coordinator.
- The Title IX Coordinator will document the accommodation and follow up periodically with the student throughout the accommodation.
- Stay in communication with your faculty, coaches, supervisors, etc., when absent.
- Work with your faculty, coaches, supervisors, etc., to make up for missed work or collect missed information.
Faculty, Staff and Administrators
- When a pregnant or parenting student has followed the proper process for approved accommodations, you will be notified in writing by the Director of Disability Services
- Follow the approved accommodations for the student.
- Communicate with students and check in when appropriate and necessary.
- If you are not receiving a response from a pregnant or parenting student, contact the Title IX Coordinator