LR Partners
The LR Partners program promotes partnerships with local businesses, agencies and school and government entities to provide their employees opportunities for graduate education at a discounted rate. The program is available to employees in partner companies or agencies who are accepted into a participating graduate program.
To take advantage of the discount a student must submit an application for admission and include their employer's name in the application.

By offering a discounted tuition rate on graduate courses, your employees will have the opportunity to enhance their professional skills and advance their careers.
Program Overview
Graduate School Tuition Discounts
Employees or members of participating businesses or organizations receive a 10 percent discount toward graduate school tuition.
Participating Companies & Agencies
- Affinity Living Group
- Asheville Grown Business Alliance
- Boys & Girls Club of Transylvania County
- Caldwell Hospice/Amorem
- Carolina Moon Hospitality
- Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy
- Community Foundation of Henderson County
- Eaton Corporation
- Elevate Wellness and Recovery
- French Broad Chocolates
- Non-Profit Forum of Henderson County
- Palmetto Place
- Sherrill Furniture Company